9 ways pharmacy technician roles are changing
The role of pharmacy technicians has undergone a metamorphosis in recent years. In the past, these professionals were primarily responsible for basic administrative and supportive tasks, acting as cashiers and clerks. But due to changes in the healthcare industry and technological advances, their roles have become essential in the day-to-day operations of pharmacies, says Sue Ojageer, Pharm.D., a clinical pharmacist at Walgreens in McKinney, Texas, and a 2022 Best of the Best Pharmacy Awards winner. These days, the responsibilities of a pharmacy technician include supporting pharmacists and ensuring that patients receive safe and effective medication therapy, says Brian Staiger, Pharm.D., a clinical pharmacist in Buffalo, New York, and founder of Hello Pharmacist. Here’s a look at the ways pharmacy technician responsibilities are changing, plus what pharmacy technicians can expect of their roles in the future.
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